Fractions and Decimals

Lesson 1: What is Fraction?

Welcome to  Lesson 1: What is Fraction? We will explore what these fractions are?

Objective: Everyday we come across the fractions, word like one half, one quarter etc. represent Fraction. In this lesson we will learn what exactly are fractions and how do we represent them?

Fractions: A quantity which expresses a part of the whole is called a Fraction.

Fraction consists of two numbers, the ‘Numerator’ and ‘the ‘Denominator’ which are separated by a line between them. Eg. 1/2  read a one upon two. It means  one part of the whole which is divided into 2 parts.


See the figure 1.1

Here the circle is divided into two parts of which one is shaded. Therefore the shaded portion is represented as 1/2

Shaded blue portion = 1/2


See the figure 1.2

The square is divided into 4 equal parts of which 3 parts are shaded and one part is unshaded. The shaded portion can be represented as 3/4 and the unshaded portion is 1/4 .

The number written above the line is called as ‘Numerator’ and the number below the line is called as ‘Denominator’


Practice Problems

Remember you will simply solve these problems on your own; It is not needed to email the answers to the instructor.

How do you represent the shaded portion in each of the flowing examples?


Assignment 1

Please email the answers to this Assignment 1 to the email address provided at the bottom of the page. Please do not forget to write the Assignment number.

Write down the fractions represented by the shaded portion.


Assessment 1

Please email the answers to this Assessment 1 to the email address provided at the bottom of the page. Please do not forget to write the Assessment number.


Please circle the correct answer.

§  ½

§  3/4

§  ¼

§  2/5


Please circle the correct answer.

§  1/4

§  2/4

§  2/3

§  1/2


Please circle the correct answer.

§  2/3

§  1/3

§  1/2

§  1/4

Express in Fractions what is 4 parts out of 8 parts of a rectangle?

5. Express in Fractions 2 parts out of 30 parts.

Objectives of next lesson

Objectives of the lesson 2:

Lesson 2 is about Conversions, you will know how to convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice a versa.

Next Lesson 

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