Fractions and Decimals

Lesson 5 Real World Problems using Fractions

Welcome friends! This lesson is an application of what we studied and understood so far. In our day to day life we come across the word problems which involve fractions. You will analyze the problem and apply your knowledge about Fractions to solve these Real World Problems.

Objective: This lesson is designed to give you step by step method to solve the real world problems.

So far you have gained knowledge about

·         What are fractions?
·         How do you convert the proper fractions into mixed fractions and vice a versa.
·         How to perform mathematical operations on fractions?

 When you are solving Real world Problems, you need to do it step by step.

1.     Understand what parameters are given in the problem?

2.     What is asked to find out?

3.     Visualize the situation.

4.     Draw the diagram about what is given and what is asked.

5.     Analyze the problem.

6.     Do the necessary calculations.

7.     Solve the problem.


Examples of Real world Problems:

Heena is baking a cake that requires two and one-half cups of flour. Heena poured four and one-sixth cups of flour into a bowl. How much flour should Heena take out of the bowl?

Given parameters:

Flour required : 2 ½ cups

Flour used :  4 1/6 cups

Asked parameters:  How much flour should be taken out of the bowl?

Calculation needed:

4 1/6 – 2 ½

Now solve them using the rules we studied earlier.

1.     Let us find out LCM and make the denominators equal.

2.     LCM of 2 and 6 is  6

3.     so 2 ½ becomes 2  3/6

4.     4 1/6 – 2 3/6

5.     Now since 1 is less than 3, we need to change the numerator as follows.

        ·         Take  one whole as  a numerator means ( 6 + 1) = 7 at the numerator

        ·         So  4 1/6 becomes  3  7/6

6.     3  7/6  -  2  3/6

7.     1  4/6

8.     Simplify it to  1  2/3

9.     So final answer is  1  2/3

Practice Problems

Remember you will simply solve these problems on your own; It is not needed to email the answers to the instructor.

Solve the following problems
  1. There are six pieces of pizza. Justin ate two -sixths of the pizza for dinner. He ate one-sixth of the pizza for a bedtime snack. How much of the pizza has he eaten in all?

  1. Sam, Mathew and Kelvin each reads 1/5 th part of the class library books. If Sam read 20 books, find out the number of books in the library.

Assignment 5

Assignment 5: Please email the answers to this Assignment 5 to the email address provided at the bottom of the page. Please do not forget to write the Assignment number. 


1.     Mary sows sugarcane in 1/3 rd part of her field and Josh in ¼ part of his field and the rest 60 acres wheat. In how many acres he sow sugarcane?


Assessment 5

Please email the answers to this Assessment 5 to the email address provided at the bottom of the page. Please do not forget to write the Assessment number.


  1. There are eight pieces of pizza. Justin ate five-eighths of the pizza for dinner. He ate one-fourth of the pizza for a bedtime snack. How much of the pizza has he eaten in all?
  1. Malaya picked nine and seven-elevenths bushels of apples on Friday and four and a half bushels of apples on Saturday. How many bushels of apples did she pick altogether?
  1. There was three-fourths of a gallon of plain milk in the refrigerator. There was also one-eighth of a gallon of chocolate milk. How much more plain milk was there than chocolate milk?
  1. Jennifer cut ten and three-fourths yards of material. Of those, three and one-sixth yards were yellow and one and two-thirds yards were red. How much material was not yellow or red?
  1. Jordan bought thirty-seven and a half inches of ribbon to make bows for her horse's mane. After the bows were all made, she still had four and one-sixth inches of ribbon left. How many inches of ribbon did she use for the bows?

 Objectives of next lesson

Brief Objective of next Lesson: In the next lesson  we will study the Decimals.

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